Although most infants won’t have teeth come in until about six months of age, infant dental care is important before the teeth break through. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that an infant should be seen by a Dentist by the time the child reaches a year of age, or within six months of the time the first tooth erupts.



Anticipatory Guidance is the early prevention and detection of oral health problems such as cavities, tongue ties and clefts. Our Doctors will show you proper techniques for oral care including cleaning your child’s gums, proper bottle use, and the benefits of fluoride toothpaste. When the Dentist can keep a close on how your child’s teeth develop, he can prescribe the best treatment and care to keep your child healthy.



Basic Infant Dental Care

Teething: Teething isn’t any fun, for the baby or for the parent! If your child is drooling, fussy, and likes to bite things, teeth might be on the way. Try an over-the-counter infant pain reliever or a refrigerated teething ring to soothe the discomfort.

Pacifiers: Choose a pacifier that comes in one piece, has ventilation holes on the sides, and is made of safe materials.

First Teeth: It’s time to start taking care of your baby’s teeth! Lay your baby in your lap and clean the gums and teeth with a clean, damp washcloth. Use a small toothbrush with water on the soft bristles to brush any teeth that have erupted. Once your child is 1 year old it is recommended to use a smear (grain of rice) amount of fluoridated toothpaste when brushing. Do this two to three times a day.

Bottle Feeding: Always use clean bottles and never allow your child to fall asleep with a bottle or while nursing. Allowing milk to sit on the teeth promotes decay and can cause future oral health problems for your child. If your baby needs something to suck on as they fall asleep, try a pacifier or a bottle filled with water. You should always brush your child’s teeth after the last bottle of anything other than water before bed.


Your infant’s oral health matters to us. Our team is trained to give your child personalized oral care. If your infant has a tooth coming in, or if you have other questions regarding your child’s oral health, don’t hesitate to give us a call!